Josef Bartoš:
Perspectives in Dance Reseach Methodology: A Cognitive Approach

Stati a studie / Živá hudba 2022/13 / Publikováno 6. 12. 2023

Abstrakt (Fulltext in Czech available on the CZ version of our website) Dance studies research has been heavily dependent, especially since the 1970s, on structuralist and poststructuralist semiotic orientation (Giurchescu & Torp, 1991). Such an approach does not favour empirical research or what cognitive theatre scholar Bruce McConachie calls, “good science” (McConachie, 2011). This study focuses on the rich pos¬sibilities for a cognitive approach following the principles of good scientific reasoning and research in the field of the arts. In particular, the necessity for a multi-methodological approach, the concept of falsifiability (Popper, 2010), and cognitive biases (Kahneman, 2012) in current dance research are discussed. As an example, an international group of Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities and a field of cognitive theatre studies are introduced. Finally, the author proposes flexibility and openess regarding methodology, which may yield insights that reflect the specificity of the art of dance. Only then will research answer the unique questions we ask.

Článek vyšel v časopise Živá hudba 2022/13
