Dorota Gremlicová:
Dancer’s message and viewer’s pleasure. Reflections on theoretical tools for interpretation of commu¬nicative aspects of contemporary dance

Stati a studie / Živá hudba 2022/13 / Publikováno 6. 12. 2023

Abstrakt (Fulltext in Czech available on the CZ version of our website) This essay deals with the phenomenon of contempo¬rary dance as a specific way of dance communication. Along with theoretical approaches rooted in the phenomenology and ideas of kinaesthesia and kinaesthetic empathy, often serving as tools for its interpretation, the author tries to apply concepts formulated in the frame of ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology, as participatory/ presentational dance, flow and synchronisation in the course of communication. Through these concepts, the importance of participatory communication of a dancer with himself/herself and other dancers in contemporary dance has been shown, as well as its relevance for dance in general. The ideas of contemporary Austri¬an philosopher Robert Pfaller on interpassivity, or the delegation of enjoyment from doing something as a sign of the contemporary culture and arts, provided a new point of view for understanding the source of the viewer’s pleasure while watching a contemporary dance performance.

Článek vyšel v časopise Živá hudba 2022/13
